Oct 16, 2005

Birth Announcement: Bloggot Faggot

Blogg It was 2:30 A.M. and my shiny new red mobile phone would not stop beeping and vibrating.  Groggy and teary eyed I manage to realize that CandyAss has just sent me 8 text messages.   Now, I haven't heard from her since before Tuesday, October 11th, the date that Bloggot Faggot was supposed to be online.  It's been a couple of days, and I have seen anything yet.  I assumed that these messges may have something to do with the new venture by the online version of Odyssey Magazine at (www.odysseymagazine.net ) that had was promised to allow every blog queen on to be the Pushy, Bitchy, Top Blog Bottom that they were or aspired to be.   I knew that it had not been uploaded and online on October 11th as expected, but I had been so busy lately, that I did not know if it had finally arrived, and I just didn't have time to check.  I was right, she had been tapping out her messages confirming the birth of Bloggot Faggot, rapid fire, like a semi-automatic on the streets of Iraq.  ...you know?  I  have no idea how these kids do the two thumb tango to shoot out text and shortmail messages so quickly.  The times, they sure have changed...   But I digress.  Anyway, She's managed to piece together the following hilarious, tongue-in-cheek messsage.   

"Jonathan.  It’s your old gossip shit AssCandy.  Please go to our OdysseyMagazine.net site.  Please click on embarrassing gay fag flag R new Bloggot Faggot world wide ass web bitchy bad fag blog page N all R queer territorys.  Please post–cut-paste any flat out P.R.  lies a repulli-cuntish spin – industry damage Cunt-Troll.  Homonecessary  innuendoes, propaganda  and smear queer tactics to shamelessly homote-gloat-or even flat out lie to “save face” or your business."


I have just been sured on over to the site.  It looks great!  They debuted with a blog article from the Lady Bunny entitled "LADY BUNNY FUCKS bush REAL GOOD"  and includes a link to her own website / blog page:  Delay Cliff Notes .  Included in the style sheet are frames and links to the Odyssey Magazine website amd electronic versions of "The Column"  from the various regional print versinos of Odyssey Magazine, including  Seattle "The Column - Seattle" , Vancouver "The Column - Vancouver" , San Francisco "The Column - SF"" and Los Angeles "The Column - LA"

Congratulations to Mike Everaert. M.E. Publications. Brian “CandyAss” McCarthy, OdysseyMagazine.net , Terence Bodola, Victor Pelayo and Kevin Potts. The Lady Bunny is a great choice to launch Bloggot Faggot. I just have one question, when and where is the launch party?

You’ll have return to my site to take a look. Of course, I’ll be linking and referring some of my blogtraffice to Bloggot Faggot. Now let me get off this computer, so I can get some sleep and figutre out a PR strategy to carry out a “shock & Awe” media blitz to get some web blog traffic moving through these pages!

Love ya. Kisses. Muahh!

Jonathan Chang
Socialite Extraordinaire  207543 

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