Sep 10, 2005

Intruders at the San Vicente Inn

S11 Remember my July 11, 2005 post "A "Charmed" weekend: Gucci Cars and Drag Idol Wars" where i promised to tell you about intruders in my hotel room?  I never got around to doing it, but it turns out that my friend Freddy ended up writing about it on his MySpace blog.  So got read about his San Vicente Inn experience. 

By the way, freddy's entry ends with the following sentence: "And what do I do? …….I get up to open the door....."   

In order to be completely accurate, his entry should be  really read:  "A"nd what do I do?  ...I get up to open the door.  I confirm that the locks are in good working order by unlocking and opening the door all the way.  Then, I remember that I forgot something on the bed.  I don't know what, but I do know that I MUST get back to the bed.  Leaving the door wide open,  in order to reach the bed and pass out.  ...again." 

Love ya.  Kisses.  Muahh!

Jonathan Chang, Socialite Extraordinaire

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