Sep 8, 2005

The Hurricane Event...It's the latest thing.

Thursday night, Ritchie and I arrived at Bobby Trendy Designs to attend the Hurricane Katrina Fundraiser. You may view the FilmMagic.Com pictures by clicking here. I think that the event was succesful. You may view the pictures by clicking here. A respectable sum was raised. Jann Wenner (Wenner Media / US Magazine) matched all donations. You may view the pictures by clicking here. Later, we had a small private afterparty, before heading off to Heaven and Tigerheat at the Arena. We then relaxed in The Lounge the exclusive area above Arena, where we were taken care of by VIP Host Steve "ChUukEy" Manchuca who graciously assisted us in procuring champagne bottle service so that we could end the night with crystal flutes of Veuve Clicquot.

Love ya. Kisses. Muahh!
Jonathan Chang, Socialite Extraordinaire

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