Sep 24, 2005

End of Summer Party

Join Rick K, Brian Laswell and your favorite hosts, Aaron Cordell, yours truly, Jonathan Chang ~ Socialite Extraordinaire, DJ Mike Bryant, Derrick Laura, Jarret Wilkins, Jeremy Gordon, Jose Nunez, Eric Guzman and Andrew Le at the Popstarz End of Summer Party on Friday, September 30, 2005 at The Factory! Spinning by DJ Heather Vaughn & DJ Mike Bryant. See the invite additional details.

More information later, for now, gotta go, i'm off to the Gay Life Expo Expo at the Hollywood Palladium. I'll be there on both days. Looking around today, but there to support my friend Daniel Miagany at the Los Angeles finals of the Mr. Gay 2006 competition at 3:30 PM on Sunday, September 25, 2005.

Love ya. kisses. Muahh!

Jonathan Chang ~ Socialite Extraordinaire

Posted by Jonathan Chang on Saturday,

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