Jun 1, 2005

Dreamgirls Review - A Scandal on Monday Night!
The Dreamgirls quit Micky's. It was a scandal on Monday night. They gave notice on Saturday, and were going to perform their last show on Monday night. Everyone was back stage putting on their makeup. Brad was getting the curtains just right. I was making sure that my 20 VIP seats were reserved. The place was packed. Then, all of sudden, they're told that they are not going to perform and that they need to leave. Hunter was outside mad as hell. Chad came out with tears in his eyes, with Adam not too far behind, trying to console him. Kiwi left so fast that I didn't even see her! The girls were crying cause they wanted to give a farewell performance. Oh well, on to bigger and better things! I 've been advised that they are set to debut at Rage on Tuesday, June 07, 2005. I've already been told that VIP seating has been reserved for me. I've been entertained by them for a while now. I'm showing up to support them, and I'm bringing all my bitches with me! I'm posting a new album with some of their pictures.

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