Oct 7, 2005

A publicist too?

I've been asked to submit pictures, from events / parties / clubs that I attend, for the "Who?" column in Odyssey Magazine. As you all know, I have enough trouble keeping track of my mobile phone, wallet, DiorSkin and iorAddict. I’d hate to think about what would happen if I added a camera to that list. I don't always have my agent, photographer, cinematographer and/or documentarian in my entourage, so that won't work either. Therefore... If you have pictures that include Jonathan Chang ~ Socialite Extraordinaire, yourself and/or your friends at a social event, please forward them to me so that I can submit them for publication.

The pictures will preferably be COUPLE or GROUP shots. No solo's, unless it's your or I, in an intense "Magnum" or "Blue Steel" that just must be shared with the world. After all, it IS a crime not to let everyone else bask in our glow! Isn't it?

E-mail your submissions to me at Jonathanrchang@yahoo.com and I'll make you a star! A media darling! Because, sweetheart, we could all use a little more PR. That's what I am, sweetie, PR! I am PR. Darling...when you think of PR, you see me! I'll make sure that you get your 15 minutes. After all, Andy was right, wasn't he?

  1. Digital (.jpg or .tiff format)
  2. High Resolution (300 DPI or better)
  3. Eligible for publication (no copyright issues)


  • Name of event
  • Location of event
  • Names of people pictured
  • Name of photographer

Who knows? I might eventually get a digital camera to capture the gay nightlife scene myself. Of course, I'd demand a contributing photograper credit on the print and online masthead or at the very least a byline on the page.

Love ya. Kisses. Muahh!
Jonathan Chang ~ Socialite Extraordinaire

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