Oct 24, 2005

Booby wants you to know that he's been nommed as well

Bobbytrendybeige My girlfriend, Booby, ever the media whore, wants to make sure that I mention that he's been nommed for the 2005 WeHo Awards as well. I hope were not in the same category, because that would just be tragic. The way that he's been asking me to pimp out my friends to him, he should be nominated for the "Best Nightclub Event" or maybe even the "Community Event" categories. Don't get me wrong, Booby and I are the best of friends. Well, we'll see what happens at I-candy tonight!

By the way, before I forget, this is the latest entry on Go Fug Yourself. How humiliating. He's set the gay movement back at least three years!


Love ya. Kisses. Muahh!

Jonathan Chang, Socialite Extraordinaire

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