Mar 12, 2010

The WeHo Awards need an enema

I’ve previously indicated that I was going to write an “Open Letter” to the WeHo Awards, and I am writing it, however, before i publish that letter, i do want to take a moment to remind everyone that I do congratulate the 2009 WeHo Award recipients, and hope that they are able to enjoy the same experience, love and goodwill from the community, that I myself have felt for the last 4 years.

The WeHo Awards need an enema. They should not resurface until they've been fully flushed of the excess waste that haunts their bowels. There are several issues that are recently coming to light, that I will address and substantiate in my open letter, however, said issues, should in NO WAY diminish the recognition bestowed upon certain individuals.

Some have questioned whether I am being vocal because I was upset that I was not the recipient of the 9th annual WeHo Award. I am absolutely not bitter. I will admit, that I was a little emotional after the awards, but I think that I did a good job keeping it all in. I now feel better because I’ve come to the realization that the love that i've received from the community has nothing to so with whether or not I have a Weho award. I've been there, done that.

Trust me, I have nothing but love for the current Popular Male Personality. Joshua Miller. He is a good friend of mine. I have never heard him utter anything bad toward me. Quite the opposite. In fact, i can remember a couple of years back, before he was ever even nominated for the category, that he used to remark about how "everyone knows Jonathan. Everyone loves him." It really is a great feeling to have fans. Especially when those fans are not the result of a manufactured TV show. Besides, the WeHo Awards mission statement is that they are designed to empower those individuals that are just now coming into their own.

I am aware of several, current WeHo Award recipients, whose celebratory mood has been cut short, because they are now hearing that people believe that their award means nothing, or that it’s just a popularity contest, or they’re feeling like accused that the community didn’t really vote for them, because the award is available to the highest bidder

I meant to say that some of the winners are feeling like people are looking at them and accusing them of having bought an award. The allegations have made some feel that people think that they did not deserve or earn the award. Making them also doubt themselves, and questioning whether or not community actually voted for them. I can say this: If they are feeling discouraged and doubtful, they are most likely the very individuals that truly earned and deserve their awards.

All that it seems, may not be all that it is. If the WeHo Awards was only a popularity contest, I would probably still be on a streak. If all the awards were truly available to the highest bidder, you would probably see WeHo's Most Dysfunctional family, Kegan Trendy Chang having already won that bidding war, and established themselves as the NEW GAYbor sisters, designated perpetual Lifetime WeHo Award recipients. Alas, this is not the case. All awards won by any of the members of The WeHo Trinity, were earned and awarded the old fashioned way, based on efforts, results and a little PR. any of the Kegan Trendy Chang Although we do not yet have all of the facts, I don’t believe that the individual award winners have

To those discouraged individuals, I say, keep your chin up. DO NOT let this bring you down. We do not yet know what damage has been done to the WeHo Awards, however, time will tell. Don't let this issue taint your experience. It should not diminish your accomplishment. Be proud of what you've created and how far it has come along.

Whether or not the rumours and allegations are true, that does not necessarily mean that all, or any, of the recipients had anything to do with the outcome, nor does it mean that they did not deserve the honor and recognition. Although there do appear to be problems, the existence of said problems does not necessarily mean that nominees and recipients have any part in creating or propagating the corrosive philosophy of greed and laziness that seems to have made the original mission statement a distant memory.

In regard to the Popularity aspect, this was a specific comment that i made about that very point. Sweetie, Darling. I have no idea how the final votes are tallied, and of course, popularity does have something to do with it. Most categories are supposed to be made up of people that work, provide a services or do business within the community. My category, however, is a little different and of course, popularity does have a lot to do with me receiving the award for 4 years in a row. I don't produce events, i don't charge covers, i don't sell drinks, My income is not based on WeHo. My service to the community boils down to me, being me. Caring about issues and individuals and will to help out by giving a little free PR, personal, not professional, PR to the events and causes that i was interested in.

As i've said before I am Jonathan Chang. I’m a 41 year old male, with an average body. That’s a tough sell in WeHo. But I make up for it because I have a big heart and an oversize personality. I’m not a Porn Star, a cute twink,or a drop dead gorgeous model. Nor am I a talented drag performer. I go out every night and i give you Jonathan Chang. That's it, No more, no less.
Rest assured, we will take care of this situation, and we will have a legitimate award ceremony, whether we have to tear down and rebuild the existing WeHo Awards, or whether we create a legitimate, transparent, organization, that remains true to their mission.

I look forward to the day when I can announce: Jonathan Chang presents the WHO AWARDS. Celebrating those who make a difference in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Queer Questioning Intersex Community.

Jonathan Chang is still planning on writing an "open letter" to the WeHo Awards. He’s not holding back punches. He’s going to speak his mind and let his voice be heard. Wait for it, Just wait for it.


Unknown said...

WeHo Awards? It must be some kind of regional event. I've never even heard of them, but then I'm on the east coast.

I'm sorry you didn't win one. You seem very bitter and I'm assuming you feel cheated. What sort of achievement do these awards represent? Who chooses the winners? Is there a prize other than recognition?

Anonymous said...

Waiting for it!!

Jonathan Chang ~ Socialite Extraordinaire said...

@ aoh: I'm not bitter. I've already won my category 4 times as much as the next competitor. You've got to read the open letter, which is coming up next, to understand the whole scenario.

This post was made because some of the people that won awards this year, have been hearing a lot of complaining about the awards. Mainly about how they are produced and presented. Thus they feel like they have done something wrong or that they do not deserve said award.

This first post was hastily written, because i had announced that i was writing an open letter. I decided to write this letter first, because i wanted to let the current award recipients know that i am not attacking them, when writing the open letter, I am letting people know that there ARE problems with the whole award setup anthat they should not let it affect how they feel about the recognition. They should be proud of their accomplishments.

The WeHo Awards are based in West Hollywood California, although, not necessarily limited to that city, because they are representative of the greater Los Angeles Area. You can go to their website, and check out the categories and the voting process.

My next post will reveal the real problems that i have seen, and the fact that the awards have strayed far from their original reason for being.

Caxperito Gonzales said...

The WEHO Awards of 2009 - 2010 were the most worse event of the year 2010.

Yes, every one needs to know why was the worse event of the year because it only benefited some individuals.

Please read my post on my blog

~Steven Escobar

Anonymous said...

It's obvious you're an aging not particularly easy on the eyes individual who must be tormented by an over flow of good looks. It will only get worse for you. I'd move to another state and maybe run an animal rescue center .... that's where your love will be returned. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

The WEHO Awards organization is a scam. The 2010 event cost the group $35,000 to rent the Playboy Mansion and catering. The group tied itself to a local 501c3 charity, 'The Life Group LA', leading everyone to believe they were supporting the AIDS support org. I later learned they have no money left after expenses and gave the charity ZERO dollars. The WEHO Awards is a sham and should be investigated by the the CA State Attorney General. What a smudge on the image of the West Hollywood gay community. Please investigate my comments independently and hopefully you will not promote their activities again.

Anonymous said...

you actually put merit into the "Weho Awards" and then became all butthurt when you discovered they weren't out there doing their best to better humanity? And who should be investigated now?