2005 WeHo Award® "Outstanding Popular Male Personality" Winner: Jonathan Chang ~ Socialite Extraordinaire ®.
I was truly shocked and surprised at the result. I began this adventure just intrigued and thankful to have been nommed. Especially since the noms included Bill Bouvier, Billy Masters, Bobby Trendy, Chad Hudson, Hector Monserratte, Mark Stuplin, Robert Corrado and Tattoo Chris. I am familiar with all of them. In fact, I consider most of them as good friends. I expected the votes for Bobby Trendy and I to cancel each other out, as we know so many of the same people and we do so many things together. But such was not the case. Bobby was very supportive before, during and after the event and throughout all of the pre-parties and after-parties.
The evening began with a small, intimate, private party at Bobby Trendy Designs Showroom, then off to Hollywood where we were poolside at the David Hockney Pool, at the Tropicana Bar, at the Cabana Room Bar and in the Blossom Ball Room for the Awards Ceremony.
I was at table 7, surrounded by friends, Sally Parry, Patrick Vettraino, Philip Solis, Ivan Lukich, Bobby Trendy, Matthew Fashion, Lucky Romero, Bobby Beltran, David Cohen and his beautiful blond colleague from Pink Magazine. Unfortunately, I can't seem to remember her name at the moment, but it'll come to me, I swear.
I kept on leaving the ceremony so that I could my Jonathan Divatini's at the Library Lobby Bar, where people kept on coming by to ogle a scruffy Keanu Reeves, who was next to me at the bar, as we both were served by my bartender, Louis Gans. After the Award Ceremony we we attended a private after party in Anthony Cortez' 8th floor suite at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, before traveling back to West Hollywood to attend the Governor's Ball, the Official WeHo Awards after-party, at i-Candy Lounge. Then back to Hollywood to the ChUukEy's V-VIP domain, the Lounge Thursdays, beyond the VIP area above Tigerheat at The Arena.
I want to thank my friend Sally, for attending the event as our personal security detail. She was actually a guest, but kept everything on track by being our chauffer, bodyguard and friend. Bobby and I planned on making our grand entrance in some over the top Trendy Designs couture. She graciously offered to drive us in her beautiful new Lincoln Aviator SUV. I guess she couldn't help it, she owns a Private Investigation company and never quite got out of that secret service mindset. She kept us on track. She got us to the Awards Ceremony on time and then took us to all five of the after parties. She drove Bobby to his West Hollywood (Beverly Hills adjacent) home, then drove to my home in Woodland Hills, before she finally got to drive to her own home. She was a trooper and I appreciate her. Especially when I found out that she was scheduled for surgery 6 hours later!
I can't wait to see a complete list of all of the winners. In all of the excitement and commotion, moving back and forth between the ballroom, lobby bar, backstage, the greenroom, the pressroom, and after winning my awared, rushed to the WeHo Award Winner's Lanai and the press room for sound bytes and photo-ops with journalists/photographers in the press room.
Again, thank you, for honoring me, Jonathan Chang ~ Socialite Extraordinaire®, with a 2005 WeHo Award. I was not able to see all of the other category awards, however, the following nominees also received a 2005 WeHo Award: Jill Jay, Manny Lehman, Tom Whitman, Lorenzo Gomez, Carrolyn Corrado-McClelland, i-Candy Lounge, Rage, IN Los Angeles Magazine, Andy Santiago and Jeff Kawakami. Congratulations to you all!
Love ya. Kisses. Muahh! (Please cue my theme song: Money! Succes! Fame! Glamour!) In the tradition of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, I shall now and forever more, be...
2005 WeHo Award® "Outstanding Popular Male Personality" Winner, Jonathan Chang ~ Socialite Extraordinaire®
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