As you may already be aware, my philanthropic ideal, is to provide assistance to individuals who may, temporarily, find themselves in an unfortunate situation, but are not swayed into a feeling of entitlement by said situation. In other words, helping those who don't blame everyone else for their predicament, nor demand support from others, while letting thee circumstance become an excuse to give up, expecting someone else to provide a solution to their predicament. I especially respect those who work hard to get out of their situation & once they're out, give back to their community, never forgetting the struggle that they endured.
Having said that, I want you to know that there are many ways to give back to our community and our society. For example, I received a message from my friends, Jill and Sheila, J&S, with information about an opportunity to get involved and to help another human being. I am passing on the information, because I believe that it is an opportunity for some of us to be involved with our community. I am keeping all names general as and will provide their contact information, upon request, as I do not want them to be inundated with calls from unknown, yet well meaning, individuals unless I have their specific consent to do so.
J&S are advising their friends, that they have been trying to be good citizens by getting involved with social service organizations such as the “Food on Foot” program. Through this activism, Jill and Sheila have been apprised of a certain young individual, S. G., that has been going through hard times. This individual was once homeless and received the assistance and benefit of their “hot meal” delivery program. With a series of kind offers, she was able to give back and work for various food donation programs and eventually afford an apartment of her very own. However, she is not out of the woods just yet. You see, she is now in need of various, useful, household items such as towels, utensils, pots, pans, etc.
Be aware that J&S are not seeking monetary donations. They just want to be able to facilitate the identification, collection and delivery of said items, thereby contributing to the young woman’s present and future success. They have offered to come by and pick up and drop off the items to SG personally.
Therefore, if you have any of these items that may not be getting much use due to duplication, or, for example, due to the fact that someone, like me, does not cook or clean and therefore, has no clue as to how to use said items, then send me an e-mail and I will put you in touch with J&S. I, myself, will provide access to my storage space, because everything in there, would be better utilized elsewhere.
So, you have a few things, laying around, collecting dust and decided to contact J&S to donate those items? You cleaned up some clutter and you helped a needy individual? Thank you. Thank you, so very much! Why stop there? There are various ways to help and be involved. Such as donating money, clothes, volunteering at an event, or even hosting a party or benefit. Thanksgiving volunteers come to mind! If you're interested in getting further involved, or would like additional information, please visit the FOF website http://www.foodonfoot.org/.
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