Confessions of a Socialite Extraordinaire
Socialite. Famewhore. DiorAddict. Divo. WeHo Award Winner "Outstanding Popular Male Personality" 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008. An expose' of my adventures in and around gay society.
Mar 16, 2010
What i'm guilty of...
There are some people that think that i launched a smear campaign because I'm mad that i did not get an award. Absolutely not true. WHAT I AM GUILTY OF is having been caught up in the excitement of having an award, year after year, and basking in the comforting glow of love and admiration received from all of you, causing me to lose sight of things that are truly important and/or ignore things that may have been right in front of me.
I have no information that any of the WeHo Award nominees, honorees or recipients did anything inappropriate and i do hope that we, as a community, continue to congratulate and give them the accolades and respect that they deserve. I don't think that any of the award recipients should feel humiliated or embarassed. In fact, if they ARE feeling that way, it's most likely because this scandal blindsided them. If my expose' has brought any of them undue pain, i sincerely apologize, as that was not my intent.
I think that the idea of the WeHo Awards is a good one. A great one, in fact. I hope that we are able to turn this around in order to create something that we can truly be proud of.
A couple of years ago i started to notice that certain things were not making sense, and when i asked for additional information, it was never given. The excuse was always, "...the board of directors will not let me..." I tried to give opinions and advice about how things could be better executed, but it was never acted upon. I just couldnt believe that year after year, i would never see the board of directors.
Looking at the situation throught that glow of that golden haze, i tried to make myself believe that all of the misunderstanding and confusion was due to someone being dis-organized. Unfortunately, I know believe that it goes way beyond mere dis-organization. We have been caught up in a web of deceit and/or mismanagement that should have no connection to the worthy causes and local organizations which inspire us to participate as a community and grow as a visible members of society at large. We cannot prey upon, cannibalize or destroy the organizations, that do foster and practice random acts of kindness and goodwill within our community.
I may have put myself in a dangerous and unpopular position. This may result in me becoming persona non grata, but so be it. I feel that i had no choice. We must become the change that we want to see in the world.
My profile describes me as a Socialite. Famewhore. DiorAddict. Divo. WeHo Award Winner "Outstanding Popular Male Personality" 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008. Emeritus may be an appropriate term to add at this time. Popular Male Personality Emeritus. I'm ok with that. Really.
Jonathan Chang
Mar 12, 2010
The WeHo Awards need an enema
The WeHo Awards need an enema. They should not resurface until they've been fully flushed of the excess waste that haunts their bowels. There are several issues that are recently coming to light, that I will address and substantiate in my open letter, however, said issues, should in NO WAY diminish the recognition bestowed upon certain individuals.
Some have questioned whether I am being vocal because I was upset that I was not the recipient of the 9th annual WeHo Award. I am absolutely not bitter. I will admit, that I was a little emotional after the awards, but I think that I did a good job keeping it all in. I now feel better because I’ve come to the realization that the love that i've received from the community has nothing to so with whether or not I have a Weho award. I've been there, done that.
Trust me, I have nothing but love for the current Popular Male Personality. Joshua Miller. He is a good friend of mine. I have never heard him utter anything bad toward me. Quite the opposite. In fact, i can remember a couple of years back, before he was ever even nominated for the category, that he used to remark about how "everyone knows Jonathan. Everyone loves him." It really is a great feeling to have fans. Especially when those fans are not the result of a manufactured TV show. Besides, the WeHo Awards mission statement is that they are designed to empower those individuals that are just now coming into their own.
I am aware of several, current WeHo Award recipients, whose celebratory mood has been cut short, because they are now hearing that people believe that their award means nothing, or that it’s just a popularity contest, or they’re feeling like accused that the community didn’t really vote for them, because the award is available to the highest bidder
I meant to say that some of the winners are feeling like people are looking at them and accusing them of having bought an award. The allegations have made some feel that people think that they did not deserve or earn the award. Making them also doubt themselves, and questioning whether or not community actually voted for them. I can say this: If they are feeling discouraged and doubtful, they are most likely the very individuals that truly earned and deserve their awards.
All that it seems, may not be all that it is. If the WeHo Awards was only a popularity contest, I would probably still be on a streak. If all the awards were truly available to the highest bidder, you would probably see WeHo's Most Dysfunctional family, Kegan Trendy Chang having already won that bidding war, and established themselves as the NEW GAYbor sisters, designated perpetual Lifetime WeHo Award recipients. Alas, this is not the case. All awards won by any of the members of The WeHo Trinity, were earned and awarded the old fashioned way, based on efforts, results and a little PR. any of the Kegan Trendy Chang Although we do not yet have all of the facts, I don’t believe that the individual award winners have
To those discouraged individuals, I say, keep your chin up. DO NOT let this bring you down. We do not yet know what damage has been done to the WeHo Awards, however, time will tell. Don't let this issue taint your experience. It should not diminish your accomplishment. Be proud of what you've created and how far it has come along.
Whether or not the rumours and allegations are true, that does not necessarily mean that all, or any, of the recipients had anything to do with the outcome, nor does it mean that they did not deserve the honor and recognition. Although there do appear to be problems, the existence of said problems does not necessarily mean that nominees and recipients have any part in creating or propagating the corrosive philosophy of greed and laziness that seems to have made the original mission statement a distant memory.
In regard to the Popularity aspect, this was a specific comment that i made about that very point. Sweetie, Darling. I have no idea how the final votes are tallied, and of course, popularity does have something to do with it. Most categories are supposed to be made up of people that work, provide a services or do business within the community. My category, however, is a little different and of course, popularity does have a lot to do with me receiving the award for 4 years in a row. I don't produce events, i don't charge covers, i don't sell drinks, My income is not based on WeHo. My service to the community boils down to me, being me. Caring about issues and individuals and will to help out by giving a little free PR, personal, not professional, PR to the events and causes that i was interested in.
As i've said before I am Jonathan Chang. I’m a 41 year old male, with an average body. That’s a tough sell in WeHo. But I make up for it because I have a big heart and an oversize personality. I’m not a Porn Star, a cute twink,or a drop dead gorgeous model. Nor am I a talented drag performer. I go out every night and i give you Jonathan Chang. That's it, No more, no less.
Rest assured, we will take care of this situation, and we will have a legitimate award ceremony, whether we have to tear down and rebuild the existing WeHo Awards, or whether we create a legitimate, transparent, organization, that remains true to their mission.
I look forward to the day when I can announce: Jonathan Chang presents the WHO AWARDS. Celebrating those who make a difference in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Queer Questioning Intersex Community.
Jonathan Chang is still planning on writing an "open letter" to the WeHo Awards. He’s not holding back punches. He’s going to speak his mind and let his voice be heard. Wait for it, Just wait for it.
Oct 19, 2009
May 17, 2009
Feb 4, 2009
Feb 3, 2009
My "40, Fierce & Fabulous" Itinerary

I want to thank all of you that sent my birthday wishes. I am truly touched. I am returning to WeHo on Thursday, February 05, 2009 and that is when my 40, Fierce and Fabulous celebrations begin. This is my itinerary for the month.
02/05 - Thursday Night - Heaven Lounge / Tigerheat @ Avalon
02/06 - Friday Night - Fresh Fridays @ Eleven
02/07 - Saturday Afternoon - Fiesta Cantina
........... - Saturday Night - Destination @ Here Lounge
02/08 - Sunday Afternoon - Hamburger Mary’s
............ - Sunday Night - Size T @ Here Lounge
02/09 - Monday Night - Cybersocket Web Awards @ Eleven
02/10 - Tuesday Night - Rusty’s Supper Club @ Falcon
02/11 - Wednesday Night - Garage @ Here Lounge
02/15 - Sunday Night - My House @ My House
02/16 - Monday Night - Sassy @ Here Lounge
........... - After midnight - Metro Mondayz @ FuBar
02/17 - Tuesday Night - Dreamgirls Revue @ Rage
02/23 - Monday Night - Candis Cayne Show @ The Abbey
2/24 Tuesday Night - Cockpit @ TBA
Jonathan Chang

Jan 28, 2009
8th Annual Weho Award Winners!
Harvey Milk Life Time Achievement Award - Jose Sarria
Presented by West Hollywood Mayor Jeffrey Prang
Morris Kight Vanguard Award - Robin Tyler & Diane Olson
Presented by Nicole Murray- Ramirez
Men of the Year - Chris Diamond & Wayne Elias
Presented by Kim Kardashian
The Wall Las Memorias - Outstanding Community Organization
Poz Life Weekend Seminar - Outstanding Community Event
Elliot Elsner - Outstanding Community Volunteer
Sam Nazarian - Outstanding Friend of the Community
Yawar Charlie - Outstanding Community Realtor
Candis Cayne - Popular Female Personality
Jonathan Chang - Popular Male Personality
Justin Monroe - Outstanding Photographer
Lanny Lee Leyda - Outstanding Visual Artist
Chad Serrano - Outstanding Digital Artist
Easton – Fitness Center
IN Los Angeles – Publication
Instinct – National Publication
Shorty’s – Salon
Truck Stop - Outstanding Women's Bar
Eagle LA - Outstanding Men's Bar
Brittany McSpadden - Outstanding Female Bartender
Justin David - Outstanding Male Bartender
Saint Felix - Outstanding New Business
Lobeline Communications - Outstanding Business
Dana Tyso - Outstanding Businesswoman
David Cooley - Outstanding Businessman
Preston Gaspar - Outstanding Business Manager
Channel 1 Releasing - Outstanding Adult Business - Outstanding Adult Web-site – Internet Business
Mark's - Outstanding Restaurant
The Abbey - Outstanding Restaurant Bar
Wayne Fowks - Outstanding Waitperson
Here Lounge - Outstanding Night Club
Fuego - Outstanding Latin Night Club
Anthony Lopez & Tattoo Chris - Outstanding Night Club Owners
Fresh Fridays - Outstanding Night Club Event
Master Beat's New Year's - Outstanding Circuit Event
Tom Whitman- Outstanding Event Producer
Perry Twins - Outstanding Disc Jockey
Morgan - Outstanding Entertainer
The Dream Girls Revue - Outstanding Entertainment Group
Ingenue - Outstanding Drag Diva