Jul 28, 2006

Reward: Return of my SLVR

Lost my phone last night. If any of you saw me out and about and your have my phone or you know where it is, please contact me at jonathanrchang@yahoo.com . Thank you!

Jul 20, 2006

Back to the East Coast!

Back to the East Coast

Tonigh, I'll be catching the Red Eye back to New York. I'll be meeting up with my friend Carlo, my Director of Photography, for this particular trip back to the East Coast. I haven't really been mentioning this trip, because I wasn;t planning on coming back to Fire Island for another three of four weeks. But last week, I received a call from my Friend Brad Hammer, letting me know that my attendance was being requeste. Actually It was being demanded. Therefore, here is this last minute trip.

I have been scheduled as one of the "Celebrity" Judges for the Miss Drag Universe held at Fire Island Pines! You may recall that I always have a great time on that little ithsmus. This weekend should be no exception. I plan on being all over that island, exploring every nook and cranny that I can climb into or on top of... Later, I;ll head into Manhattan to meet some friends in Chelsea, Hellsea and the Upper East Side.

More about this when I get back into West Hollywood for a few days, before heading off to San Diegoo with Angel, Brandon, Destiny and Rusty to once again ride in a convertible while being surrounded by some of the cutest young men that you've ever seen. So sexy, that some people would pay a small fortune just to be seen with them. In the meantime, entertain yourself by reviewing some pictures from last years, end of summer, trip to New York, Manthattan and Fire Island Pines.

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Click here to view the entire album

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Principal Photography:
Patrick Joseph "Livonia Parsons" Vettraino

Executive Director:
Jonathan Chang ~ Socialite Extraordinaire

Executive Producer:
Jonathan's Diva-tini

Production Assistance:
Perrier Jouet
and Veuve Clicquot

Our sexy friends on the other coast